Worth A Look (Abortion Edition)

The Worth A Look feature on the blog is meant to bring helpful resources to your attention. Here are some concerning the sin of abortion.
SLED: Defend the Unborn by Scott Klusendorf (YouTube Audio) - A basic argument that illustrates why the "pro-choice" position is illogical and immoral.
SLED: Defend the Unborn by Scott Klusendorf (YouTube Audio) - A basic argument that illustrates why the "pro-choice" position is illogical and immoral.
Hoping for the Fall of Roe with Kevin DeYoung, Justin Taylor, and Collin Hansen (Podcast) - Roe v Wade Decision and Effects discussion begins at the 11 minute mark.
Are We Just a Clump of Cells? by Ihor Zhakunets (Sermon)
Are We Just a Clump of Cells? by Ihor Zhakunets (Sermon)