Posts with the category “family-ministry”

Prompting Good Questions
May 23rd, 2024
IHOR ZHAKUNETSIn the few seconds of silence, after we had just finished our corporate reading during Sunday worship, but before the music started for our next worship song, a little girl’s voice cut i...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
3 Temptations Not to Consider Adoption
December 15th, 2023
ADAM DORSEYBecause the devil is an invisible spirit; because we cannot see him opposing us, it’s easy to live our lives without ever really considering just how much daily opposition we are facing fro...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
James 1:27
November 24th, 2023
IHOR ZHAKUNETSWith our focus on adoption this month, maybe James 1:27 has come to mind, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflict...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
Fostering (an Interview)
November 14th, 2023
Pastor Bogdan Bilskiy interviews Leon and Carol Vectirelis.......  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
3 Reasons to Consider Adoption
November 7th, 2023
ADAM DORSEYAs a congregation, we have set aside the month of November to celebrate adoption. As redeemed sinners who now understand the infinite value of all human life, we long to protect and preserv...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
Should We Have (More) Kids?
April 13th, 2023
You’ve read the blog posts. You’ve heard the opinions. You’ve felt the pressure. And perhaps you’re asking the question—“Should we have kids?” “How many kids should we have?” First, know that this is ...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
Dad, this Advent Keep It Simple
December 11th, 2022
BOGDAN BILSKIYIf you know me, you know I am a man of extremes. High highs and low lows are more common to me than I would like to admit.If I’m going to run, it has to be a marathon. If I’m going to wa...  Read More
by Ihor Zhakunets
Guiding Children on Sunday Mornings
November 16th, 2021
OLEH ZHAKUNETS & OLGA ZHAKUNETSHaving a child sit through a worship service on Sunday mornings can provoke anxiety in the hearts of parents. Will my child be able to sit still that long? What will oth...  Read More
by Mercy Hill Chapel
Parenting Basics: Teaching and Correcting
March 24th, 2021
BOGDAN BILSKIY As a Christian parent, I’m often reminded of my responsibility to pass on my faith to my children. I’ve heard it preached from the pulpit, read about it in the Bible, and am often remin...  Read More
by Mercy Hill Chapel